St. Galgano of Siena
The following comes from a recent planetary angel scrying session. Just to say, up front, that attributing a mythic legend to Brexit gives no special authority to either it or anyone involved. It is not a statement that attributes 'divine will' to anything, neither does it make anyone in the story into a mythic figure. The point of being 'in' a myth or living out of an archetype is that myths/archetypes are patterns of belief and perception that we follow at an unconscious level. So with that caveat in place...
In the day and hour of ☉the conjuration of Michael, Uriel & Schemeliel was performed and a vision granted.
To begin, I saw the sun and a white horse in the sun or before the sun. I thought of Helios and his chariot that pulls the sun in its course. This was followed by me being in a large and beautiful garden, which may have been situated in a desert. At any rate I was not in this country. There was a man, young, in his 30s. He had dark brown hair and eyes and a light skin tone. He was dressed in a tunic with trousers, all rather like unbleached cotton. I think he was a gardener. He told me his name was ‘Samuel’. I had to ask several times as the vision was not so clear and I couldn’t hear him clearly. When asked if he had a message he pointed.
I saw a hill, with a small orchard on top and what looked at first like a well. When I got to the top of this hill I saw a sword stuck into a stone or the ground, or possibly in the well… not sure. Anyway, this sword grew very large and Samuel said this was the sword of Michael (though writing this, I had an impression that it was the sword of David). The sword shone with a light of its own and the final vision was of the hill with the sword towering over it and the sun shining from behind the cross where the grip and the crossguard joins the blade.
There seemed to me to be an alignment here with the Arthurian legend of the sword in the stone. This was the feat that proved Arthur as King of England.
The name ‘Samuel’ reminded me of his biblical counterpart and his role as prophet was as the anointer of kings. He anointed (as Yahweh’s representative on earth), Saul as first King of Israel. When Saul was deposed Samuel anointed David. I am thinking that the message here is that there is an alignment of King David with King Arthur. They do share some similar story traits. Both David and Arthur came from humble beginnings, they performed feats, David slew Goliath and Arthur drew out the sword from the stone, they also, and this may be the ‘Michael’ connection, led armies to overthrow invaders and oppressors - Philistines and Anglo-Saxons, as did Michael in the battle that threw down Satan and his rebellious angels out of Heaven.
A curious coincidence, In my researches across the internet looking at items from this vision, I've just come across the story of St Galgano, a 12th century saint from Siena who had two visions of the Archangel Michael. In one, Michael told him to give up his possessions. Galgano said that would be like thrusting a sword into stone. To prove his point he thrust his sword against a rock and it penetrated it “like butter”, presumably to his great annoyance! So there is a sword in a stone in his chapel in Montesiepi (Mount. Hedge). In another version the sword was in lieu of a cross, thus confirming the overlapping Christ = Michael (Archangel Michael is seen as the pre-incarnate Christ) = Sun = sword = cross on a hill (Golgotha - place of the skull).
So, what is the meaning of this message?
Kingship and the divine anointing of a king is an important link between the stories of Kings David and Arthur. Samuel is the ‘anointer’ of a king, just as the sword in the stone is the proof of the true King of England. This looks to be about establishing or re-establishing a kingdom. The king being the vehicle of the 'Will of God' who is the instrument by which this feat is accomplished. Is this an archetype for the country at the moment? I suppose that Brexit is seen by some as just that. The winning slogan for the Leave campaign was, after all, 'Take back control." and considering I drew a Tarot card just before this working and got the King of Batons (Sforza-Visconti), that would fit [1]. Maybe this is the myth we are living in at the moment. This might be the message! Maybe this is the myth that the PM is also aspiring towards. Thing is the PM does not come from a humble background like David/Arthur, so he does not exactly fit the bill. Whether playing the buffoon counts as 'humble' to a myth I'm not sure.
The Arthurian myth is a powerful and deep story that reverberates in these shores. I'd never really thought about it much but I suppose the notion of renewing 'England' is a powerful myth especially if it means the break up of the United Kingdom. It reinforces a sense of 'divinity' with regards to the English. Ironic really, that Arthur was a Celt who fought against the Anglo-Saxons but has now been co-opted by the old foe for its own agenda. Does the privileged PM and his Knights see themselves as the appointed ones? In the past great victories were seen as signs of divine approval.
The Sword in the Stone at Montesiepe
[1] Just prior to this working I asked a question about whether or not Boris was leading us towards a hard or soft Brexit? I drew the King of Batons. It seems like this question spilled over into this scrying session.