Saturday, 26 October 2019

Will the UK leave the EU by 31st January 2019?

So we have two club cards either side of the Joker.

The suit of clubs seems to appear quite often in association with power and politics which makes sense as this suit has to do with strength, labour, work and status.

7 is the number of difficulties, so here we go again!  The Jack to the right is looking away. Jacks I think in this reading is the messenger card.

Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you

The Joker is indeed stuck in the middle, I think this is BoJo. We still have no real resolution at this point either. So the uncertainty continues. As we look at the  cards at this point in the timeline, we see two cards with figures looking ahead expectantly, with difficulties backing them up.

My prediction is that Brexit is not resolved by this date.

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