Tuesday, 12 November 2019


For this question I am using playing cards and a 5 card French Cross spread:

A 3 card line to give a picture of the question: 7 of Hearts, 2 of Hearts and 7 of Spades

A card above, the cards' advice on what to do: 6 of Clubs
A card below the card's advice what not to do. The Joker

The line through the middle sees the central card of the cross to be '2 of Hearts' which I think makes the primary factor in your consideration in making your decision; the relationship or feeling that you have with the cards. They must please you aesthetically because that will encourage your imagination and intuition when you read them. A pack that you have no real resonance with will be hard work. However, having said that the two cards flanking the 2 of Hearts are both '7's. This number is connected with 'difficulties' and the suits are one Heart and one Spade. We have a twin pair of opposites (red/black). I think this points to the next factor to take into consideration that is the cards should have a tension for you between reading with your heart and reading with your head. The suit of spades comes close to the metal of the swords - a sharp cutting quality that the confines of the cards internal logic can provide. Sometimes we might not get much intuitive resonance from a card in a particular reading and then it is possible to fall back on traditional meanings to provide something for you to work with in your overall interpretation. On the other hand do not get 'stuck' with the 'little white book' meanings either. If your intuition is shouting something specific to you then pay attention to that too. This is the tension that is necessary when choosing your pack. Yes, the symbolism is important but the colour of the sky may also be necessary to spark your imagination too.

The card above is the 6 of Clubs. Generally I think of '6' cards as 'road opener' cards. They are about options and choices and the suit of clubs has to do with how you will work with your new cards. I think this points to you maybe seeing if you can test drive one or two packs that you have never used before, maybe even trying one or two that you would not immediately choose to use to see how you read with them? A relationship that is strong may not start off immediately so. Very few love affairs start with 'love at first sight'.

The card below is The Joker. What to avoid... following on from the last card, probably acting on impulse. Take your time and think it through. Who hasn't clicked 'buy now' on a Tarot pack after a couple of glasses of wine? I have several 'nice' Tarot packs that sit on my shelf that rarely, if ever, see the light of day. I keep telling myself 'One day...' but if you are looking to get a pack to work with now then don't hurry the decision.

Good luck with your choice and I hope you have many years of enjoyment and fruitfulness with your new cards whatever they may be!

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