Thursday, 29 August 2019

How will the story play for Boris Johnson when Parliament opens in September?

Starting with the KoD as significator for BJ, next to him we have 10 of Spades. He has a full on war on his hands here. Below him is the Jack of Spades a usurper but as Jack not a king he is a proxy for a larger group who are behind the scenes, hence the blank card next to the Jack.

Reading the top line we have two diamonds (same suit or party as the King), going from 9 to 3 a reduction in support by 2/3rds from the battle. However he re-coups with a 7 of Hearts. This I think is the hearts and minds war with the party, although they are very nervous they will not abandon the party in the end. So I would think that he will mange to keep his troops together in the end.

The middle line shows the spades followed by the 2 of Diamonds. I think the interpretation for this is that BoJo will face a rival challenge. Maybe the proposed caretaker, although I may be from his own party as from the Opposition.

So the way I think it will play out is as follows: Jack (Jeremy Corbyn?) will probably play his no-confidence card, he has support; but BoJo has more support to begin (9 Diamonds), As a rival appears (2 Diamonds) his support is cut (3 of Diamonds). Probability is that he will play to the hearts and minds of the party and overcome his rival.


It's all diamonds, which in Tarot terms would refer to disks or coins so we are on track for the question here.

First thing, if we follow the rule about red cards meaning a 'Yes' then it would seem so. However, looking at the numbers I am not so sure. Erring towards the negative is not a bad idea when betting on fortune.

I think the initial 10 of diamonds is the wish but the next 2 is saying that you may be disappointed at the initial offer. However if you push a bit then you may get an incremental increase on that offer.

Just to follow the logic of this interpretation. A 2 suggests a negotiation between two parties and  the 3, in incremental increase on the initial offer.

Monday, 26 August 2019


The first two cards depict our two protagonists the querent, who I  think is represented by the King, and the Jack of Clubs who would therefore be the wife. The first impression is that these two are seeing eye to eye so the immediate answer is a 'Yes'. However there are some more details about this.

Firstly in yes/no terms looking at the number of red cards (yes) to the number of black cards (no) we have more 'no' than 'yes', or perhaps 'Yes' but tending towards 'No'. Having the two person cards at the beginning means that behind the king (querent) are three more cards. It is important to point out that I read these three as being relevant to the querent and his inner condition, his personal baggage rather than his wife's.Right behind him is a 5 of Clubs. A five is a 'strife' card so I think we have a conflict here and the suit is clubs which pertains to work, status and power. I sense the querent's vulnerability in this card. It may be a fear of letting-go of the power in the relationship and becoming dependent upon another's good-will - in this case his wife. Reading along we get to the Ace of Diamonds. Aces are new beginnings and also point to the source of the power of the suit, something in potential. Diamonds can mean cash, wealth or something precious, like a diamond. I sense this is the aspiration of the querent to undertake this particular work of self-development. I think this inner gem is also reflected in the choice of suit for the king - Hearts, a suit that is all to do with feelings and personal values, these two go together as the two red cards in the reading.  The Jack shares the same suit as the other two cards. The final card is the four which is a number of stability and safety.

So my final answer remains the same 'Yes' she is sincere in her support, your anxiety probably is mixed up with your anxieties about the personal development work you are embarking on. There is a question of your power balance and it is on your mind but I think your way to a more stable relationship is through the very work that you are now beginning.

Sunday, 25 August 2019


In this line of three we have a story being told. In the centre the Knight of Disks mounted, as Knights on a quest are, rides towards his sweetheart the Queen of Clubs. Behind him stands the 8 of Swords.

One thing to note is that the court cards are of two different suits and I'm sensing that this spread is pointing out that the two personages are after two different things. Perhaps this is why she is looking, not at him, but in the opposite direction. Batons pertains to rulership, amongst other things, and this is her, as Queen, wielding her own power. This situation suits her, although it does not entirely suit you.

The 8 of Swords I think could point to separation as swords do indeed 'cut' bonds. The number 8 is connected to wishes and hopes and here is portrayed the wish of the querent to see an end to her relationship with her husband.

I think, however, the conclusion is that, at least for now, she is content with the arrangement and is not looking in your direction or at the 'cut' of the swords. So, no she will not leave her husband this year.

Thursday, 22 August 2019


Oh dear!  There are a lot of swords in this reading. We have our line of three where we see the Knight of Cups riding forth, but note that he is riding away or backwards at the very least. In the middle we have the 10 of Wands. Just look at that blocking action. 'X' marks the spot indeed. Here the way really does looked barred.

To the right we have the 7 of Swords. Swords in this pack usually means a cutting action or conflict. But just look at the image. There is some serious sexual imagery going on here. There is the vesica made up of six swords and then the 7th sword upright and penetrating (thank you Dr Freud). I sense that the relationship has a strong physical element, as relationships usually do at first, but I  think it will not last beyond the time when that wears off.

The above card - what to do - is an 8 associated with hopes and fears, I think this is saying don't pin your hopes on this one. The below card a 4 'stability' is what not to do - speaks for itself. This is probably not the one.

Enjoy the ride, plenty more fish in the sea.

Friday, 16 August 2019


The loss of a sentimental item is an expression of value that goes above and beyond the cost.

We have a 3 card line here, just a story with no what to do or what not to do. I'm afraid the story is one of loss and separation.

Diamonds in the playing cards suits are discs in a Tarot pack such as TdM and thus a good representation of a ring.

We start with an Ace which is a '1' a unification of item and wearer. Next we have two of diamonds which is a card of separation and distance of what was once aligned. The last card in our tale is 2 of spades. This maintains the separation and brings in the sorrow that such a loss entails.

I'm sorry, but there is nothing here that suggests a reunification.


OK, so we are back with our French Cross spread.

Reading across from left to right: I do not know know the gender of the querent but would not be surprised if female.  We have Queen of Cups which as a significator would suggest a woman and 'matters of the heart', in this case a relationship which we know has failed.

The question is about redeeming money which is reflected in our second card. A 'six' is a road-opener, a card giving options so the querent is in with a good chance of having possibilities before her. The next card, is a 4 of batons. A 4 is a number of stability and no-change and the picture is of a way blocked with an 'X'. I think we have here resistance. Now, batons are to do with, amongst other things, power and I think here it refers to leverage or advantage in circumstances. Maybe the partner has the upper hand legally or circumstantially? Whichever, it has a bearing on our next two cards.

The card below is what not to do, and here we have 3 of swords. I have the strong feeling this is about not getting lawyers involved in an adversarial battle where everyone digs in for the seige.  Above in the what to do position we have another 3 this time of batons. I sense that the cards are advocating a more diplomatic approach; an appeal to someone whom you can both trust and whose authority you both can accept as impartial. Maybe a mediator of some kind.

In essence, I do think you stand a good chance of reclaiming your money but go for the softly, softly approach of mediation rather than all guns blazing - at least for the time being.

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Should My Wife and Son Leave for the U.S. in September or Once My Visa Is Ready?

So, we have our French Cross, made up of our horizontal line of 3 plus the card above, the cards advice on what we should do and the card below what we should not do.

First thing to note we have mainly diamonds plus one heart card. I sense the diamonds, which often represent coins and money are here denoting movement akin to the transactional nature of money. Is this the reason for the move? Reading across we have the Jack, your son, he will experience difficulty in this move some 'strife' from the 5 of diamonds but eventual reunification of the family symbolised by the 3 of hearts. Above is the 2 of Diamonds which is the answer to your question. 'Yes', you can send them on ahead, you will be re-unified as a family (3 of Hearts), you do not have to give into your fears symbolised by the 8 of Diamonds.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Should I Stay with this Company or Cut My Losses and Move On?

This time we are using just the Major Arcana otherwise known in the TdM as the Trumps for our fortune-telling.

The story so far, is that we have a lot of optimism at the start. Here you are coming in under the sun lots of promises of growth and high hopes. But just look at the 2nd card, the Star which is in the place of the sun has shrunk down or moved further away. Either way you look at it the reality is not what was promised at the beginning. The female figure is now pouring her water out of two jugs one on land and one on the water. She is divided so I think that we have this card for the present dilemma which it is picturing.

The third card shows another female figure who has become Force. She has to open the jaws of the lion which she can do but she is looking on. I think you probably could extract some good from your present job but you are looking away and I think you have already made up your mind on this question.

Saturday, 3 August 2019


Sorry for the shiny top card, there are my new pack of wipe-clean plastic playing cards for reading whilst drinking red wine.

Our spread is called the French Cross with the usual three-line in the middle across with the card above (5 of Hearts), as what to do and the Ace of Spades below for what not to do.

As you can see the two jokers are also made use of as part of the card deck for readings and we have one here.

So, for this reading we start with our three line spread going across. We have Ace of Hearts showing a new and exciting relationship starting - this time with magic and its praxis. Who doesn't remember picking up that first spell book, that eldritch tome and the excitement that ran through your fingers as you greedily turned the pages looking for that spell of great power to open up the magical universe and get me all sorts of goodies - where is that genie?

The 10 of Diamonds is a card of completion, end of the cycle usually also meaning running out of juice. This question is about the fact you have not seen any physical manifestations of your desires, precisely what a 10 of Diamonds is about. The 'coins' could be actual money spells not working but it could just mean that the 'wealth' you had hoped for from your praxis is just not apparent. Why? Well he is standing next to you, we have the joker card.

The joker - aha!  The trickster, the thief who steals from heaven and comes to earth to teach what? Well magic of course!  This is Mercury or Hermes the god of magic himself. The joker is quite literally his business card as he is the consummate businessman and merchant. God of transactions, thieves, magic and medicine. A quixotic, bisexual ambiguous clashing-of-the-opposites type of guy.

The fact that you magic is not working is because he is getting your attention just when you were trying to get their attention.

He is the cloven hoofed one and if you want this to work you had better go meet him at the crossroads (gallows being somewhat harder to find these days in most places).

What to do?  5 of Hearts. A card of strife, arguments and falling out but it does mean that there is a relationship in there somewhere. It just needs to brought out and tended to. A '5' is also your body and in magical terms it means embodiment, this means taking it out of your head and getting down to it in ritual. Have you been cutting corners in your spellcraft by any chance? Whatever, you need him onside and he is your negotiating partner. Look out though he is god of discourse and eloquent speech too.

What not to do: Ace of Spades. Traditionally the death card. I think this is the cards advice that it would be wrong of you to stop - to give up now. Push through it, plug yourself into that Mercury wall and try again.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Is My Wife's Music Going To Make Us A Lot Of Money Next Year?

So this time we are looking at playing cards as fortune-telling cards, going back to the roots of card fortune-telling.

Traditional meanings, where we have yes/no questions like this one, is that we have red for 'yes' and black for 'no'. So our suits are the red suits, diamonds and hearts so the quick answer is 'Yes'.

We also read the cards from left to right and we have 4, 2, 10. So I would add that we have an initial spurt in finance, a dip and then a lucky 10 to show an increase in returns.

We do have a change of suits from diamonds to hearts. Diamonds are much more the money cards and hearts have to do with soul food e.g. one's personal values. My guess here is that we have a strong sense of worth coming from being able to make the money from something that means so much and not just in financial worth.

Sure, maybe I am hedging my bets here but the cards are making this transition in sense of worth from the question that perhaps measures success in terms of money to one of values... just saying!

Thursday, 1 August 2019

My Partner and I Have Fallen Out. Will I Get Any Sex in the Next Few Months?

This time we are looking at just using the trump cards from the Major arcana, so called.

Each one of these cards is showing a reversal, a backslide or inversion. At first sight this is a bold question from someone who is looking to move on. However, the devastation in this spread is clear.

Why would you have a problem getting sex? Unless you live in the middle of the desert or the Antarctic, and even then there are still the nomads!

This question is a cover-up.

Yes, of course you can have sex just download the app.  This question is not about sex...

Three cards showing everything going upside down cannot be ignored.

So, fine, if you want sex go get it... but know that the fall-out from the relationship is going to have to be dealt with, sooner or later, in order for you to move on.

For now, go and have a good time though...