Thursday, 8 August 2019

Should I Stay with this Company or Cut My Losses and Move On?

This time we are using just the Major Arcana otherwise known in the TdM as the Trumps for our fortune-telling.

The story so far, is that we have a lot of optimism at the start. Here you are coming in under the sun lots of promises of growth and high hopes. But just look at the 2nd card, the Star which is in the place of the sun has shrunk down or moved further away. Either way you look at it the reality is not what was promised at the beginning. The female figure is now pouring her water out of two jugs one on land and one on the water. She is divided so I think that we have this card for the present dilemma which it is picturing.

The third card shows another female figure who has become Force. She has to open the jaws of the lion which she can do but she is looking on. I think you probably could extract some good from your present job but you are looking away and I think you have already made up your mind on this question.

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