Saturday, 3 August 2019


Sorry for the shiny top card, there are my new pack of wipe-clean plastic playing cards for reading whilst drinking red wine.

Our spread is called the French Cross with the usual three-line in the middle across with the card above (5 of Hearts), as what to do and the Ace of Spades below for what not to do.

As you can see the two jokers are also made use of as part of the card deck for readings and we have one here.

So, for this reading we start with our three line spread going across. We have Ace of Hearts showing a new and exciting relationship starting - this time with magic and its praxis. Who doesn't remember picking up that first spell book, that eldritch tome and the excitement that ran through your fingers as you greedily turned the pages looking for that spell of great power to open up the magical universe and get me all sorts of goodies - where is that genie?

The 10 of Diamonds is a card of completion, end of the cycle usually also meaning running out of juice. This question is about the fact you have not seen any physical manifestations of your desires, precisely what a 10 of Diamonds is about. The 'coins' could be actual money spells not working but it could just mean that the 'wealth' you had hoped for from your praxis is just not apparent. Why? Well he is standing next to you, we have the joker card.

The joker - aha!  The trickster, the thief who steals from heaven and comes to earth to teach what? Well magic of course!  This is Mercury or Hermes the god of magic himself. The joker is quite literally his business card as he is the consummate businessman and merchant. God of transactions, thieves, magic and medicine. A quixotic, bisexual ambiguous clashing-of-the-opposites type of guy.

The fact that you magic is not working is because he is getting your attention just when you were trying to get their attention.

He is the cloven hoofed one and if you want this to work you had better go meet him at the crossroads (gallows being somewhat harder to find these days in most places).

What to do?  5 of Hearts. A card of strife, arguments and falling out but it does mean that there is a relationship in there somewhere. It just needs to brought out and tended to. A '5' is also your body and in magical terms it means embodiment, this means taking it out of your head and getting down to it in ritual. Have you been cutting corners in your spellcraft by any chance? Whatever, you need him onside and he is your negotiating partner. Look out though he is god of discourse and eloquent speech too.

What not to do: Ace of Spades. Traditionally the death card. I think this is the cards advice that it would be wrong of you to stop - to give up now. Push through it, plug yourself into that Mercury wall and try again.

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