Monday, 26 August 2019


The first two cards depict our two protagonists the querent, who I  think is represented by the King, and the Jack of Clubs who would therefore be the wife. The first impression is that these two are seeing eye to eye so the immediate answer is a 'Yes'. However there are some more details about this.

Firstly in yes/no terms looking at the number of red cards (yes) to the number of black cards (no) we have more 'no' than 'yes', or perhaps 'Yes' but tending towards 'No'. Having the two person cards at the beginning means that behind the king (querent) are three more cards. It is important to point out that I read these three as being relevant to the querent and his inner condition, his personal baggage rather than his wife's.Right behind him is a 5 of Clubs. A five is a 'strife' card so I think we have a conflict here and the suit is clubs which pertains to work, status and power. I sense the querent's vulnerability in this card. It may be a fear of letting-go of the power in the relationship and becoming dependent upon another's good-will - in this case his wife. Reading along we get to the Ace of Diamonds. Aces are new beginnings and also point to the source of the power of the suit, something in potential. Diamonds can mean cash, wealth or something precious, like a diamond. I sense this is the aspiration of the querent to undertake this particular work of self-development. I think this inner gem is also reflected in the choice of suit for the king - Hearts, a suit that is all to do with feelings and personal values, these two go together as the two red cards in the reading.  The Jack shares the same suit as the other two cards. The final card is the four which is a number of stability and safety.

So my final answer remains the same 'Yes' she is sincere in her support, your anxiety probably is mixed up with your anxieties about the personal development work you are embarking on. There is a question of your power balance and it is on your mind but I think your way to a more stable relationship is through the very work that you are now beginning.

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