Sunday, 25 August 2019


In this line of three we have a story being told. In the centre the Knight of Disks mounted, as Knights on a quest are, rides towards his sweetheart the Queen of Clubs. Behind him stands the 8 of Swords.

One thing to note is that the court cards are of two different suits and I'm sensing that this spread is pointing out that the two personages are after two different things. Perhaps this is why she is looking, not at him, but in the opposite direction. Batons pertains to rulership, amongst other things, and this is her, as Queen, wielding her own power. This situation suits her, although it does not entirely suit you.

The 8 of Swords I think could point to separation as swords do indeed 'cut' bonds. The number 8 is connected to wishes and hopes and here is portrayed the wish of the querent to see an end to her relationship with her husband.

I think, however, the conclusion is that, at least for now, she is content with the arrangement and is not looking in your direction or at the 'cut' of the swords. So, no she will not leave her husband this year.

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